This year, LHVA will be offering a continuation of our Development Program for 3rd-6th graders. Each session is one hour long and will continue to focus on building the fundamental skills of the game.
We are also offering a Skills and Scrimmage Program for 6th-10th graders who are currently not participating on a club team. Each session is 1 hour and 30 minutes and focuses on enhancing fundamental volleyball skills and working on game-like situations.
Both of these programs will take place on Saturdays at Level Fitness Pelham for 6 weeks. Space is limited to 20 players per session. They are coordinated by James Horan, LHVA’s Assistant Director. Each session will be led by LHVA coaches - one Head Coach and one Assistant Coach. In addition, we will have player volunteers from our National and Travel teams providing additional support and demos.
Place: Level Fitness Pelham (872 Pelham Pkwy, Pelham, NY 10803)
$325- Skills and Scrimmage for 6th-10th Grade (90 min sessions)
$225- Developmental #2 for 3rd-6th Grade (60 min sessions)
Dates: 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29 and 4/5
9:00am-10:30am: 6th-8th Grade Skills and Scrimmage
10:30am-12:00pm: 9th & 10th Grade Skills and Scrimmage
12:00pm-1:00pm 3rd-6th Grade Developmental #2
Registration will open on February 1st at 8am. We will accept the first 20 people in each session who complete the registration and submit payment. If needed, a waiting list will be created after all of the spots are filled in each session.
Click below to register!
The Registration "Home" is not currently available.
2024-2025 Practice Schedule for All Teams
Level Fitness Pelham & The Wellness Center
Level Fitness Pelham The Wellness Center
872 Pelham Pkwy 215 Liberty Ave
Pelham Manor, NY 10803 New Rochelle, NY 10805
Tryout Registration for 14U-12U
Registration Opens on Saturday, September 21st at 6am
This registration link will allow you to register for the LHVA Girls Tryouts for the 2024-2025 14U-12U Teams ONLY.
Make sure to log in to your account in order to register for tryouts. The link will NOT post here until 9/21.
The Registration "Home" is not currently available.
If you don’t see the link here on 9/21, you must log into your account first and refresh this page.
*Updated 9/28*
**The 12U Tryout Time is NOW combined with 13 Regional from 1:00-2:15PM.**
**Players should choose the tryout time for the team that they want to be considered for. For example, if a 14U player wants to be considered for the 14 National team, they should attend the tryouts for National/Travel. If they only want to be considered for Travel, they should attend the Travel/Regional tryouts.**
*All players must attend the tryout for their age group unless they have previously played up a level on a LHVA Team*
Tryout Registration for 17U-15U
Registration Opens on Monday, August 26th at 6am
This registration link will allow you to register for the LHVA Girls Tryouts for the 2024-2025 17U-15U Teams ONLY.
Make sure to log in to your account in order to register for tryouts. The link will NOT post here until 8/26.
The Registration "Home" is not currently available.
If you don’t see the link here, you must log into your account first and refresh this page.
**Players should choose the tryout time for the team that they want to be considered for. For example, if a 16U player wants to be considered for the 16 National team, they should attend the tryouts for National/Travel.**
*All players must attend the tryout for their age group unless they have previously played up a level on a LHVA Team*
24-25 Teams
(After tryouts, we will determine the exact teams for the season.)
National Teams
Each team will participate in 6 Travel tournaments and AAU Nationals in June.
17 Purple
16 Purple
15 Purple
14 Purple
Travel Teams
Each team will participate in travel and regional tournaments. The season will end at Regionals (End of April/Beginning of May).
17 Black
(3 Travel/3 Regional)
16 Black
(3 Travel/3 Regional)
15 Black
(3 Travel/3 Regional)
14 Black
(3 Travel/3 Regional)
13 Purple
(2 Travel/3 Regional)
12 Purple
(2 Travel/3 Regional)
Regional Teams
The White teams will not participate in any travel tournaments. They will ONLY participate in 5 regional tournaments.
16 White
15 White
14 White
13 Black
Silver Teams
The Silver teams will not participate in ANY tournaments. This a PRACTICE ONLY TEAM that takes place one time a week on Friday nights.
16/15 Silver
14/13 Silver
Key Dates for the Season
* 17U-15U Tryouts will take place on 9/8 & 9/15. Registration will open on 8/26/24
*17U-15U Commitment Date on 10/1 @ Level Fitness Pelham from 7:45-9:00pm
* 14U-12U Tryouts will take place on 10/5 & 10/6. Registration will open on 9/21/24
*14U-12U Commitment Date on 10/20 @ Level Fitness Pelham from 2:00-4:00pm
* Practices start on 11/13 or 11/14.
* Tournaments begin in January 2025
* Parent/Player Zoom Information Meeting- August 25th @ 5:30pm
*Developmental Program for 1st-8th Graders will start on December 7th. Registration will open on November 1st.
LHVA 24-25 Zoom Parent/Player Information Meeting
August 25th @ 5:30pm
Practice Locations
Level Fitness Pelham
872 Pelham Pkwy
Pelham Manor, NY 10803
The Wellness Center
215 Liberty Ave
New Rochelle, NY 10805
Important Documents
Must be registered with GEVA in order to tryout!
Are you interested in learning more about the 2024-2025 LHVA Club Season? Join us on August 25th at 5:30pm for a Zoom Information Meeting. There are many new exciting opportunities this year as we are offering travel tournaments to many of our teams from 17s -12s. We are also offering practice only teams on Friday nights. We will be going over specific details for the season including costs, practice locations, times and tournaments for each team at this meeting.
Feel free to contact us with any questions at
Join Zoom Meeting on 8/25 @ 5:30pm
Meeting ID: 822 1809 5800
Passcode: 693091
No news currently found.
LHVA Over the Years
When will we cancel?
GEVA makes every effort to fulfill our commitment to teams and clubs by conducting all scheduled tournaments. Sometimes things get in the way. Our inclement weather practice has been to hold the tournament if at all possible (even if some teams are more effected than others). Exceptions are made in dangerous situations, and those beyond our control. If the weather is bad, (snow and ice) your safety is paramount. Do not drive if it you don't feel safe.
Why do we cancel?
We will cancel for two reasons:
1. The staff determines the weather and driving conditions are too hazardous.
2. If the facility where we are holding tournament cancels our access.
When do I know?
When possible, a decision is made prior to 9 pm the evening prior. If a situation worsens overnight, the decision is adjusted prior to 5:30 am the day of the tournament. Once cancelled, we will not have a mind change.
How do I know?
We will send information through webpoint to Club directors, and AES to participating Clubs. We will also post on juniors and home page of
Safety is paramount.
Do not drive if it you don't feel safe.